Friday, October 03, 2014

Rocked at BigRock Indiblogger event (#WordUp)

After two weeks of hectic office schedule (on weekdays and weekends) finally festive holiday has come and still the BigRock event at BlueFrog is fresh in my mind.

It was a refreshing energetic event with all the great minds turning up on stage to share their part of knowledge to the blogger community. Off-course this was followed by surprises, breakfast, lunch, tea and loads of prizes to keep the enthusiasm alive through out the day.

First thing, the place is awesome with well placed chairs with a stage and projectors all around for the people to chill. It started  with selfie while we were waiting to get inside for the lucky draw and then finally tweet our part. All speakers were well knowledgeable and shared a good part of their experience. This helped me to gain some confidence and a way to move ahead in the blogging world.

I liked the Amit Agrawal session on tips and tricks for blogging. There were discussions and some differences among the audience. Although others were equally good but my interest area was covered by him. Hence little bias on that side J

The fantastic host  kept us alive through out the event. The volunteers were very helpful. BigRock gave us an opportunity to start our own DOTME  domain. And now its time to move ahead with .Me blogging. 

To sum it up, it was a not only a AWESOME experience but a well managed event that made it ROCK.

Cheers to the team of BIGROCK & INDIBLOGGER ….